Career Articles

See these articles below to accelerate your career

Job Place Toxicity and How To Get Out

Job Place Toxicity and How To Get Out

Are you feeling burned out, unsafe, or undervalued in your current Director, VP, or Executive position? Job place toxicity is one of the TOP reasons our clients seek out our help.  They'll do just about ANYTHING to get out of the door at their current job but have NO...

How Hidden Mindset Issues Affect Your Career Growth

How Hidden Mindset Issues Affect Your Career Growth

Coping with career failures may lead some seasoned professionals into what's called "loss aversion." Simply put, loss aversion is when people experience losses disproportionately more severely than comparable gains. Yet, avoiding mistakes at any cost could mean...

The Only Way To Prepare For An Interview

The Only Way To Prepare For An Interview

A new ECU Podcast episode (Episode 8: The Only Way To Prepare For An Interview) is out now. Click here to listen to the episode on iTunes. In case you missed this #powerful episode, I reviewed some critical steps any Director, VP, or Executive can take to best prepare...

How To Control The Next Steps During The Interview

How To Control The Next Steps During The Interview

Have you ever ended an interview with the interviewer telling you they'd "get back to you"? ... And, then, waited for days unsure of how to get back on their radar for a follow-up? Taking control over the next steps during the interview process could mean the...

Earn More With These Proven Tips For Salary Negotiation

Earn More With These Proven Tips For Salary Negotiation

Salary: Almost no one likes talking about it... Yet, everyone LOVES making it! ❤♥ So, when the question of "What are your salary expectations?" arises, are you prepared to answer it with confidence? In Episode #6 of my Podcast, I cover all things salary and...

Six Ways To Upskill And Adapt In Your Career

Six Ways To Upskill And Adapt In Your Career

You don’t need us to tell you that the world is changing... But many intelligent people make the mistake of thinking that holding onto their job is enough to stay on top of industry developments. In my experience, that's simply not the case. So, what can you do to...

The Future of Your Work is Here Now

The Future of Your Work is Here Now

In my latest article featured on Newsweek, "The Future of Work is Here Now," I shine a spotlight on the concept of hybrid work going from a luxury scenario to quite possibly a "must-have" for high-achieving professionals. Reports indicate Fortune 500 companies,...

Out Now: Overcoming Objections in the Interview

Out Now: Overcoming Objections in the Interview

A new ECU Podcast episode (Episode #5: Overcoming Objections in the Interview) is out now! Click here to listen to the episode on iTunes. In yesterday's episode, we discussed overcoming objections that you are likely to encounter in an interview. Plus, I provided some...