Overcoming Excuses and Pursuing Your Dream Job

by | Dec 21, 2022 | 0 comments

Excuses can be a powerful roadblock to achieving our career goals, including finding our dream job. We may tell ourselves that we need to be qualified, have the right degree and the right connections, or be ready to take on the challenges of a new job. However, these excuses often stem from fear or self-doubt, and they can hold us back from pursuing opportunities that could be incredibly rewarding.

Let’s face it, in life it is always YOU versus YOU. You are the only one standing in your own way.

As Brianna West cleverly states in her self-development book… “The mountain is YOU.” So let’s review some ways to overcome your excuses and get out of your own way.

Tips for overcoming your career acceleration fears and excuses

One way to overcome your excuses is to identify the specific fears or doubts holding you back. Take some time to journal or talk to text into your “Notes” app on your phone about what your goals are. The first step will always be to gain clarity on what exactly you believe your purpose is, and identifying your goals is a part of this process.

Next, consider what specific fears might be keeping you from taking action toward your goals. Here are a few examples:

  • Are you afraid of failure?
  • Are you afraid of networking?
  • Are you afraid of asking for help even though you know you need it?
  • Are you worried about not fitting in with your new colleagues?

But don’t stop there with your reflections. No, you’ve really got to dig in and unpack this one by asking yourself more clarifying questions to get to the root of these fears. Questions like:

  • Why am I afraid of failure?
  • How have my past situations with meeting new colleagues affected my current thoughts?
  • What is it about networking that I’m dreading?
  • Why am I struggling to ask for help when I don’t mind providing it to others?

This self-reflection may be the best time you’ve invested in yourself in years! And once you understand the root of your fears, you can take steps to overcome them.

One strategy for eliminating excuses is to reframe your thoughts and focus on what you can do rather than what you cannot.

Instead of telling yourself that you are not qualified for your dream job, try focusing on your skills and experience and how they make you a strong candidate. Instead of dwelling on the things you do not have, such as a particular degree or specific connections, focus on what you can do to build your qualifications and make new connections.

Another strategy is to take small steps toward your goal. For example, if you are not ready to apply for your dream job, you can start by networking with others who are in the job you are seeking to acquire and build your skills. This can help you gain confidence and prepare for the opportunity.

Finally, it can be helpful to seek out support and encouragement from others. Your support system could be friends, family, or a mentor who can guide and encourage you as you pursue your dream job. A support system can help you stay motivated and focused, even when you’re facing setbacks or challenges.

Eliminating excuses holding you back from your dream job requires a proactive approach and a willingness to challenge your fears and doubts. By reframing your thoughts, taking small steps towards your goal, and seeking support and encouragement, you can overcome the excuses that may be holding you back and take control of your career path.

How we can help you today…

Whether you are targeting your first seven-figure role, first Director role, or VP to the C-Suite, your ability to seek support for new tactics and strategies may cut your job search down to days instead of weeks. So, when you’re ready to accelerate your career to get the job and money you know you deserve in the marketplace… Let’s have a conversation about your career that you’ve likely never had.

You can schedule your career breakthrough session with our team of experts here.