Master the Art of Networking

by | Jun 15, 2021 | 0 comments

4 Job Offers in 72 Hours ?

Now I know what you’re thinking; there’s no way this is possible. ?

But it frequently happens in the ECU program, and a BIG congrats goes out to Scott, who just made this happen and got an $80K salary increase!

  • So, maybe you’ve been searching for 6 months with no luck.
  • Or, maybe you’ve been reaching out to your entire network, and no one could help you.
  • And, maybe you’ve reached out to people with no blueprint, so you’re just winging it.

But let me tell you what happens when you truly learn how to master the art of networking, just like Scott did, with people that you already know…

First off, many people approach networking the wrong way, which is probably why you’re reading this blog post. And if that’s you, I am so glad to share this information with you.

  • When reaching out to people in your network, DO NOT TELL THEM you are looking for a new job.
  • Stephen Covey has a great quote, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”

Seeking first to understand means that you have to re-establish the relationship before you start asking anyone for anything. It’s likely been a few years since you talked to that prior boss, co-worker, subordinate, vendor, past clients, or whoever…

To start this initial conversation simply text or message on LinkedIn/Email and say: “Hey, Name. It’s been a while since we last connected and I was thinking about you, can we connect later this week?”

So when you approach this follow-up call, make the beginning of the call about them.

  • See how they have been
  • Ask them why the job change or congratulate them on a promotion
  • Ask them what projects they have been working on
  • How the family is
  • Or, maybe bring up a prior story

Very important, ask if there is anything you can do for them.

Then, likely during this call they will ask what you have been up to, tell them.

And at the end of the call, ask them if there is anyone they know that you should talk to ask you are looking for your next opportunity.  You can also ask them who is the hiring manager at their current company of X department.

Now there are many other ways to ensure the conversation goes well but there is only so much space for words in this email.

If you want to get 4 offers like Scott did in 72 hours click here to have a conversation about your career that I can guarantee you have never had.

Let’s get you on a plan to get hired quickly.

Here’s to your success,

Tim Madden, MBA | Executive Career Upgrades