Three Key Reflections on the Executive Job Market Going Into 2023

by | Dec 6, 2022 | 0 comments

A Complex State

The executive job market at the end of 2022 is a complex picture. In addition to affecting the global economy, the COVID-19 pandemic has directly impacted the executive job market. One of the main effects of the pandemic on the executive job market has been the rise of remote working. 

Adapting and Pivoting

Companies have had to adapt quickly to the new reality of remote work, and many executives now find themselves working from home regularly. The current economy has impacted the executive job market regarding job availability, as some companies have had to downsize or restructure their workforce due to the economic downturn. However, there have also been positive changes, as remote working has opened up several new executive roles and opportunities.

Another major pandemic effect on the executive job market is the rise of digital and technology-driven businesses.  Many companies, most notably within the retail sector, have had to pivot to digital and technology-driven models to survive the economic downturn, creating many new executive roles, such as digital marketing managers, data scientists, and software engineers. Furthermore, the increased use of technology has also opened up several new career opportunities for executives, such as AI and machine learning experts and developers. 

A Focus on Sustainability

Finally, the executive job market at the end of the year drives the increasing focus on sustainability and social responsibility. Companies are now looking for executives who can help them meet their business sustainability goals, as well as those who can help create and implement strategies to address social issues. The current market change has created many new executive roles, such as business sustainability directors, corporate social responsibility managers, and social media strategists. 

Overall, the executive job market at the end of 2022 is highly dynamic and complex. The pandemic continues to have a significant impact. There are several new opportunities for executives, particularly in digital and technology-driven businesses, sustainability, and social responsibility. Executives who keep up with industry trends and developments will be well-positioned to take advantage of these opportunities.

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